Reaching the next generation isn't just a good idea, it's the great commission. In fact, Jesus not only commanded us to preach the gospel to the next generation, He demanded that we disciple them to obey Him in everything—including the great commission!
Boot Camp is a series of workshops designed to prepare church members to reach the next generation of harvest laborers through The War evangelistic event. Join Evangelist Bobby Bosler as he shares his burden and vision for the next generation and how you can make a difference in their lives.

Two Series. One Burden.

In these six videos, we explore the burden of the whole series, how the invitation works and where you fit in, the absolute essentials of the gospel, and how to understand, communicate, and diagnose the salvation decision. You will also find practical instruction in calling for the decision.
Total play time: 1:15:08
In these three videos, we will walk through a suggested workflow that outlines how to set the stage for effective follow up in the counseling room and what to do afterwards. In addition, we will discuss the importance of avoiding unbelief and embracing a faith perspective in our follow up.
Total play time: 0:47:00

Video Series

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Boot Camp Counselor Training is to be used exclusively for training prior to or during The War evangelistic event. All videos, logos, and intellectual content is property of Bobby Bosler and Minutemen Ministries. No part of these videos may be downloaded, reproduced, or stored digitally without prior written consent from Bobby Bosler and/or Minutemen Ministries. Copyright © 2012-2024 Bobby Bosler and Minutemen Ministries. All Rights Reserved.